This method was developed by Dr. Jennifer Beverly from the University of Alberta in 2020 and has been continuously refined through experimentation and implementation since. Frontera Forest Solutions has adapted this work to our own projects, tailoring it to each project’s needs.
It effectively assesses the exposure vulnerability in a given landscape by mapping fuel types in the area and evaluating their potential to carry wildfire in the event of ignition.
Why does this innovation matter?
Exposure vulnerability mapping assists our team in identifying vulnerable areas and developing mitigation strategies to minimise the risk of wildfire damage to communities. By categorising the fuel types in each direction and visualising it using this method, statistical analysis is conducted to identify where hazardous fuel types are and how they can affect a community. The final product is utilised to further determine the relative direction in which there could be vulnerability to a community and, consequently, develop treatment units.
By simultaneously applying both the methods of exposure vulnerability mapping and Burn-P3 to a project, our team can provide a holistic understanding of fire risk and mitigation to our clients in order to safeguard their communities from the growing threat of wildfire.
Where is this being used?
Landscape level planning (community forests and other area-based tenure holders)
Community Wildfire Resiliency Planning
Visualizing Fire Risk With Exposure Vulnerability Mapping
A simple and innovative method for mapping out the fire threat and risk in a given area.
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