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Wildfire Planning

Building resiliency to wildfire is complex and requires strategic planning. Frontera is dedicated to helping communities at every stage of this process.

We collaborate closely with clients to understand the needs of their community, outline a strategic vision and roadmap for building resiliency to wildfire, and ensure they are ready for rapid implementation.

what we do

Comprehensive Community Wildfire Planning Services

Frontera at forestry conference

Frontera is dedicated to assisting communities at every stage of wildfire planning, from grant writing and funding acquisition to fuel treatment and forest management recommendations. Our expertise and experience working with communities across the province enables us to create tailored strategies to meet each client's unique needs and ensure they are well-prepared for wildfire.

How we Help

Wildfire Planning for your Community

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans

Frontera develops Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWRPs) to help communities reduce wildfire risks and enhance preparedness. These plans assess local wildfire hazards, identify critical values at risk, and outline actions to mitigate potential threats.


By fostering collaboration among communities, government agencies, and stakeholders, our CWRPs play a crucial role in protecting lives, property, and natural resources. Implementing these plans is essential for building resilient communities that can withstand and recover from wildfire events.

Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Reduction Plans

Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Reduction Plans (WUI WRRs) are essential tools in British Columbia for mitigating wildfire risks in areas where urban development meets natural landscapes. Frontera collaborates closely with provincial land managers to assess wildfire threats, prioritize areas for fuel management, and align with broad forest and wildfire management policies.


These plans provide detailed guidance on the location, priority, and development of fuel management projects on Provincial Crown land, ensuring that communities are better protected from the devastating impacts of wildfires.

Community Forest Plans

Community Forest Wildfire Plans are vital for managing wildfire risks within community forests in British Columbia. Similar to Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Reduction Plans, these plans assess local wildfire hazards, identify critical areas at risk, and develop strategies to mitigate potential threats.

Frontera works closely with community forest stakeholders to provide specific guidance on fuel management and wildfire preparedness, ensuring alignment with broader forest management policies. Implementing these plans helps protect property and natural resources, making community forests more resilient against wildfire events.

healthy forest

what our partners are saying

"Frontera's expertise has been really valuable in planning and implementing a diverse range of projects within the Community Forest. Kukwstum'ckál'ap ("thank you all" in Líl'wat language), Frontera!"

Andrea Blaikie

Executive Director

Spel'kúmtn Community Forest

Related Projects

Líl'wat Nation

Frontera supports the Líl'wat Nation with a range of Forest Management projects, from implementing FireSmart principles to developing professional burn plans.

aerial image of forest community

contact us

Get in touch to learn more about our wildfire planning services

Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWPPs and CWRPs)


Wildland Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Reduction Plans (WUI WRR)


Community Forest Wildfire Plans & Tactical Plans (CF).


forest stand affected by wildfire

Our expertise

Building safer communities & more resilient forests

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